About Us


The Piako Catchment Forum is a community-based organisation aiming to achieve

'A thriving community for a sustainable future'

Our values and guiding principles

o Collaborative: we will work with others to achieve better outcomes for the whole catchment
o Inclusive: we will actively encourage and welcome all stakeholders
o Supportive: we will support individuals, groups and initiatives by connecting people and sharing knowledge
o Collective: we will work to bring people together to achieve a greater sense of community

Environmental, social, cultural andĀ economic outcomes are taken into consideration in planning and goal setting for the community and ecosystems of the Piako Catchment.

The begining and into the future

We began with a few farmers, a planter, a teacher and Waikato Regional Council staff member sitting around a bar leaner in mid 2016 in Morrinsville with the goal of uniting our community around our waterways. By October that year we were celebrating having over 100 people and 5 guest speakers sitting in the Tataunui Hall getting to 'Know your River'. This is was our first community event and what an amazing start.

Since then we have held community events, industry gatherings, clean up days, planting days, set up projects and built many wonderful relationships within industry, councils, iwi and individuals. Check out our projects under the Project page above.

Low land forests, thriving flora and fauna

As we look into the future of our community and catchment we are working towards supporting and growing a healthy and supportive environment where our all flora, fauna and community.

Committee members

Our committee is made up of a diverse range of volunteers from our community. These individuals have many skills, knowledge and lots and lots of passion for our community and the natural environment that we live in. We are also very privilege to have regular support from Waikato Regional Council and NZ Landcare Trust along with others that make up both our PCF committee and Connecting the Waitoa sub-committee.

Our committee meets approximately every 8 weeks and discuss arrange of topics within a 2-3 hour meeting. We have a flexible governance structure, with regular mintues taken at each meeting.

Please get in contact to find out when our next meeting will be held and what is on the agenda, everyone is welcome.

Thank you to the Sing family for supplying this website for our community.